Category: Challenges and themes

  • Some way away from anything precipitous

    Some way away from anything precipitous

    Our writing group challenge had the title of ‘Precipice’ a couple of months ago. I guess most people’s thoughts would stray towards a physical, mountainous precipice, but that seems a little too limited and maybe too obvious. I grew up in Cambridgeshire which is notoriously flat even though the city of Cambridge is supposedly built…

  • What I would like to see achieved in my lifetime.

    What I would like to see achieved in my lifetime.

    This is a difficult subject as there are so many options to choose from but I have made my choice so here goes. One of the big problems I would like to see overcome is when big leaps forward in one science cause problems for all of us. One example for me would be human…

  • A few competitions and things of writing interest

    A few competitions and things of writing interest

    This isn’t a blog as such, just a few things you may be interested in… These are  based in the UK, particularly in the Bristol and Somerset area; however, most of the competitions seem open to all: Yeovil Literary Prize – Wells Literary Festival competition: on-line class – open-mic in Bristol UK: West Midlands…

  • Scooped!!


    I’m going to enter a writing competition; it’s Somerset based, in Yeovil, and it’s called, unsurprisingly, the Yeovil Literary Prize competition. I’m entering the novel I’m writing set in the 1950’s about a reporter on a small provincial newspaper who is desperate to find a scoop. As usual I’m stuck for a title, so it’s…

  • Somerset writing competitions

    Somerset writing competitions

    Here are details of two competitions, one from Bath and one from Bristol for short stories: The 2019 Bristol Short Story Prize is open for entries. The closing date is midnight on May 1st 2019. For full details, visit Closing date for receipt of entries is May 1st 2019 at midnight BST (‘midnight’ meaning the…

  • Two puzzles

    Two puzzles

     AND  NOW  FOR  SOMETHING  COMPLETELY  DIFFERENT One of my non-writing preoccupations are with mathematical puzzles and I include two here which you will read with considerable interest or immediately ignore depending on your view of such things. The first is not very difficult but the second one certainly is. Both involve the application of pure…

  • Short story contests

    Short story contests

    Here is a link to a website that lists short story contests in 2018. Short story contests in 2018 Will we see yours there?

  • Earth, Fire and Sea – the answers!

    Earth, Fire and Sea – the answers!

    When we started our blog nearly two years ago, having called ourselves the Moving Dragons, we almost in fun gave ourselves dragon identities and names – which have stuck, geologist Richard is Earth dragon – Eorðdraca, John who is so interested in historical warfare and battles is Fire Dragon – Fyrdraca, and Lois who used…

  • Earth, fire and water – the three dragons quiz

    Earth, fire and water – the three dragons quiz

    When we started our blog nearly two years ago, having called ourselves the Moving Dragons, we almost in fun gave ourselves dragon identities and names – which have stuck, geologist Richard is Earth dragon – Eorðdraca, John who is so interested in historical warfare and battles is Fire Dragon – Fyrdraca, and Lois who used…

  • Writing in Bath

    Writing in Bath

    If you live in Somerset or Bristol, west Wiltshire or south Gloucestershire, or anywhere in striking distance of Bath, then have a look what’s on offer from Alex and Jude: Booking now for Autumn Writing Events: 6 places left for Alex and Jude’s 4 week Creative Writing Group in Brown’s Brasserie, Bath BA1 1LP . Starts Sept…